
Now, You Can Hail an Uber Auto Rickshaw and Pay Using Cash

Just a few hours after announcing medical rides in Mumbai, Uber has introduced its first service that allows payments by cash in India. UberAuto, as it has been named, is an entirely new category for hailing auto rickshaws, an option which will be debuting in New Delhi. Uber has said it will a cash-only service for the time being, with existing transport fares.

The service works like any other Uber app vehicle that consists of using their app and selecting UberAuto in the options and waiting for a nearby driver to respond. Users will be able to hail autos, even if there is no credit in their Paytm wallet since the mode of payment is cash-only.

When it comes to getting around Delhi, auto-rickshaws are a staple. We recognise the history and value of autos to the transportation landscape. For us, uberAUTO is another way of using technology to offer more choice, making life simpler and keep Delhi moving.


As cited by Uber, auto rickshaws are an important part of the Indian ecosystem. It is cheap and the easiest mode of transport. Uber says the cash-only approach will help extend Uber’s appeal to new demographics.

Uber had been running the company in a non-profit zone since the Uber Cab rape case last year. Uber has also updated its app this morning stating that it will be ferrying passengers for free in Mumbai if the journey is due to medical reasons. The service, which is launched in collaboration with the healthcare network, Oxxy, said it will be providing free pick up and drop services to every hospital, pathological and diagnostic labs in Mumbai. Seems like Uber is taking the necessary steps to make up to its Indian users.

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